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Message Queue

Core Concept

  • Message Broker handles the transfer of data between different services without them knowing anything about each other
  • A broker allows loosely coupled communication, meaning that the message sender doesn't know who will receive the message
  • The broker is responsible for routing the message to the proper destination
  • Distributing the message system allows increasing the subscribers as needed to handle more messages

Queues (Point-to-Point Message)

  • The publisher send a message to the broker

  • The broker selects the subscriber that will receive the published message for processing

  • Only one subscriber will receive a message published to the queue unless the subscriber fails to process the message within a given time period

  • [[RabbitMQ]]

Topics (Publish/Subscribe Message)

  • Topic-bases message allows to publish every message to a topic that distributes it to every subscriber currently registered
  • The broker doesn't care if the message was processed by all subscribers or just a subset of them
  • [[PubSub Pattern]]